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The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

The Election Rematch.

The Election Rematch.

Adeline Gierstorf ’24 May 10, 2024

In November voters will experience déjà vu as they walk into the polls and see the same names as four years ago on the ballot. How did we get here? What does this say about the current state of America?...

The College Mail Problem

The College Mail Problem

Marijana Brajkovic ’24 May 10, 2024

Any high school student knows the stress of college emails. The constant advertising, the lures with scholarship money, and the copy and paste email they send to every student. With this, many flaws arise....

An aerial view of the Priory in River Forest.

Was Purchasing the Priory Worth It?

Kate Williams ’25 March 5, 2024

Fenwick's recent acquisition of the Priory in 2022 has started discussions throughout the community and raised questions about the value of the purchase. With the allure of potential athletic fields on...

Illustration by Addy Gierstorf '24

Fenwick Doesn’t Have Graduation Caps. No Cap.

Addy Geistorf ’24 March 5, 2024

“Many years ago in late May, another class of Fenwick seniors all walked across the stage, received their diploma, and graduated. Then came the moment that everybody waits for. All the seniors threw...

Assigned Mass Seating: Schoolwide Controversy?

Assigned Mass Seating: Schoolwide Controversy?

Taylor Branch ’25 November 30, 2023

On August 21, 2023, Fenwick students, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors alike, prepared for the annual first-day-of-school Mass. They (hopefully!) brought their suit coats, put on their IDs, and...

Is Club Government Really a Democracy?

Is Club Government Really a Democracy?

Isabella Henning ’25 November 30, 2023

Are the club elections at Fenwick a democracy or are they popularity contests? All clubs at Fenwick are required to have student leadership. Mr. Barabasz, Assistant Principal and Head of Clubs and Activities,...

Which Water Container is the Best: Stanley Cups or Hydro Flasks?

Which Water Container is the Best: Stanley Cups or Hydro Flasks?

Taylor Branch October 3, 2023

It’s no secret to Fenwick students that hydration is important. Fenwick offers lots of access to water, but the real question is, where to put it? Walk into any Fenwick classroom and you will likely...

Should Classes in the Courtyard Be Brought Back?

Should Classes in the Courtyard Be Brought Back?

October 3, 2023

​Over the years, Fenwick’s courtyard has been the site of many events. From ice cream socials, to Friar Fests, and at one point, classes. During an era of COVID where students wore masks and windows...

Cursive, Outdated or Underutilized?

Cursive, Outdated or Underutilized?

Alexander Aguirre May 10, 2023

Cursive, a writing style some may consider to be outdated and ancient, has widely ceased being taught around the United States. But is this unique writing style beneficial to students who learn it? Or...

Do the Benefits of AI Outweigh the Risks?

Do the Benefits of AI Outweigh the Risks?

Rowan Aurimmea May 10, 2023

As the world advances, so too does our technology. Most recently in the world’s hot seat is AI, or artificial intelligence. This is technology that can perform tasks that would typically require human...

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