ChatGPT: A Modest New Learning Tool

The implementation of iPads and technology in general has led to major strides in a student’s ability to not learn. While there are some things like access to textbooks, various programs like Google docs and Google slides, and online websites and databases like JSTOR that do technically, “enhance a student’s ability to learn,” that is not important. What’s really important is the Holy Trinity of the iPad: Google translate, iMessage, and the App Store. These are what truly makes iPads so great. These are what give students the power to not learn. Who knew Spanish was as easy as copy paste? No one did until they found Google translate. Someone has the same prom dress as you? Text about it to your friends in the middle of your math lesson, trust me, it’s urgent. This lecture in English has gone on for five hours? Go to the App Store, download Geometry Dash, and boom, all the fun in the world is at your fingertips. As every student knows, those three applications are essential to learning and are basically necessary to graduate. However, a fourth application has now been added to that trinity. Which makes it more of a square than triangle…so would it be called a squinity? Squarity? Squarety? I don’t know! But nonetheless that fourth application is none other than ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is the latest in what I would call the “work relief” line of online programs for students. What Google translate does for language students or what spark notes does for students who just don’t read, ChatGPT does for students who don’t want to write and generate their own ideas. Now with ChatGPT, that two page essay for English is no longer an issue. How could someone ever get caught with perfect grammar? Those asking about the ethics of using such a program need to kick rocks. Can’t spell school without the words lazy and plagiarized after all. With this program the youth will now not need to go through the trivial process of generating nuanced and complicated arguments and transcribing them onto paper. Now they just input a prompt and copy and paste. Now I am assured that the integrity of Fenwick has been preserved by its students. Such “work relief” programs are never used by its students and I am assured that none of our students have utilized such a program. And if it were discovered that someone used such a program I believe they should be called into the Dean’s office and be given a stern talking to and let off with a warning (preferably on a three, or maybe even five, strike policy if they are so generous…please). So Fenwick students throw your ability to think aside and embrace the practice of laziness with ChatGPT.


ChatGPT Mar 14 Version. Free Research Preview. Our goal is to make AI systems morenatural and safe to interact with. Your feedback will help us improve.