On Working Behind-the-Scenes

Ms. Comiskey sits at her desk, sipping her morning coffee, working on the her computer as she makes edits to the course selection guide for next year. She goes through new course proposals, revises old descriptions, and adds in the classes that have been confirmed for the next school year.

As Assistant Principal, Comiskey’s day consists of various tasks, some of which are long term projects and many of which are smaller and more urgent. Prepping next year’s course selection guide proves to be a longer job, whereas small tasks come up several times on a daily basis.

In addition to working on the guide for next year, Comiskey approves and edits the lists for textbooks. Approving books involves going through various criteria and making sure every book is accessible and updated. She works with online book sellers and publishing companies so students are able to buy their books.

Another one of Comiskey’s jobs is to work with teachers to approve their absences and to hire substitutes. She is one of the earliest people to arrive at school for this reason, as ample time is needed to deal with teacher absences. She also works to design teacher schedules, and assigns rooms and supervisions.

In addition to closely working with teachers, Ms. Comiskey is a teacher herself. After finishing up her morning work, she makes her way to teach her First Period Algebra I class. This is her favorite part of the day. She approaches the classroom with a balanced style, utilizing tech, but not allowing it to dominate the class. This lets her students be engaged but also exposed to a more traditional style of teaching.

After her only class, Ms. Comiskey goes back to her office to complete a teacher evaluation. Tenured teachers are evaluated every other year by an administrator and newer teachers are assessed twice a year. Doing so ensures that teachers are presenting the correct curriculum in an appropriate, compelling way that appeals to their students.

As she finishes up the evaluation, Ms. Comiskey moves on to working on preparations for the senior commencement ceremony. Today, she is sifting through the forms that seniors returned to her and noting the spelling errors that students found in their names. Ms. Comiskey’s year-long prep allows graduation to run smoothly.

For Ms. Comiskey, every day is different. Some days she works solely on her long term tasks, and on other days, she is dealing with urgent issues. She approaches each day with an energetic attitude and an open mind. From freshman textbooks to senior diplomas, Comiskey makes sure everything is in its place.