Hallothanksmas Season Above All Others

Eva Homberger

Eva Homberger

It’s that time of year again! Everyone embraces the chilly weather as they pull out their favorite sweaters and snow boots! Halloween is just the beginning of the holiday season which serves as the best time of the year. Overall, this time of the year is wonderful due to the holiday spirit and fun that it provides for all.

The spooky season of Halloween is filled with tricks and treats! Children enjoy picking out the perfect costumes to earn the most candy around the neighborhood. This scary holiday in the breezy month of October is known to keep children content with candy for quite some time. Following Halloween’s exciting fall fun is the holiday of Thanksgiving, which many enjoy as a time of appreciation and happiness. In addition to festive parades and tasty turkey, Thanksgiving serves as a time to allow family and friends to come together and truly recognize how blessed they are to be a part of one another’s lives.

The anticipation truly builds up to the holiday which brings about true joy and cheer- Christmas! Christmas is a time of hot chocolate, jolly caroling, crisp snow, and much more! In addition to finding the perfect tree, making paper snowflakes, and hanging up stockings, Christmas is the season of giving. Christmas is a time to act as an example of Christ and to work towards becoming a better person.

These holidays make the cold weather and gloomy days much brighter. No matter if it is raining or snowing, this season’s cheer and joy cannot be diminished. Make this holiday season the best yet! Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are wonderful times filled with happiness and thankfulness.