“I want to be a superhero!” “I want to be Barbie!” “I want to be a fireman!” Looking back on your childhood, I bet that you heard these phrases from your friends and cousins. The innocence of not truly understanding a career is something that all of us have experienced. What did we know about mortgages, car payments and taxes at five years old? Probably for the majority of us, absolutely nothing.
According to an article titled, “When I grow up I want to be…” by Hazel Ramsell, 96% of adults are not in the dream job that they thought about as a child. In other words, only 4% actually made their dream a reality. After reading these statistics I realized that I too fall into the majority. I no longer want to be a police officer which I dreamt about from the age of three until I was about twelve and I am now focused on finding a career path that will provide financial security and safety for my future.
To further research, I reached out to our varsity hockey coach, Mr. Fabbrini to see how his career path choices got him to where he is today. According to Mr. Fabbrini, when he was little he dreamt about becoming a professional athlete. When he realized that his dream wasn’t going to take place, he decided that he wanted to become an accountant and majored in business. After realizing what accounting entailed, he decided that maybe that wasn’t for him and he fell into what he is passionate about. Teaching and being a coach. While he may not have become a professional athlete, he still was able to keep his passion for sports going and does an awesome job at it. I personally am glad Mr. Fabbrini didn’t become an accountant because he has had a great impact on me during my time here at Fenwick.
According to freshman Caleb Reed-Jennings, he always knew that he needed to find a career that would last him a lifetime. While he doesn’t currently have anything in mind, he knows that he must focus on getting good grades and being involved here at Fenwick to take him on to a good college.
While most of us now worry about what career path to take that will make a difference in the world, provide financial security, and still bring happiness, just know that you could still become that superhero that you always wanted to be. It might not be Superman, but maybe it will be a doctor who will find a cure. The future is bright Fenwick!