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The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

The student news site of Fenwick High School

The Wick

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

Ryann Dawson May 10, 2024

Hi Friars! This is a new game that The Wick has introduced. Here are a few fun and discrete facts for guessing. This faculty or staff member teaches classes and wears many hats in the Fenwick community...

Bagpipes and Beyond: The Clubs that Fenwick High School has to offer

Bagpipes and Beyond: The Clubs that Fenwick High School has to offer

Angelina Silvestri May 10, 2024

Regardless of how long you’ve been at Fenwick, you’ve most likely heard about the multitude of clubs offered here. However, did you know about the more eclectic clubs, such as the bagpipe club, preaching...

4 Years of Friardom

Taylor Branch ’25 March 5, 2024

It is no secret that every year of high school has its fair share of ups and downs. Freshman year is the intimidating start to the next four years. Sophomore year students face newfound challenges, Junior...

A day in the life of Father Matt

Izcalli Rodriguez ’25 March 5, 2024

At around 5:45 in the morning an alarm goes off, then another at 5:50, and finally a third alarm at 6am goes off to wake one of Fenwick’s most beloved Friars, Father Matt. Fr Matt has had to teach most...

The Hardest Class at Fenwick

The Hardest Class at Fenwick

Adeline Gierstorf ’24 November 30, 2023

What constitutes a hard class? Is it the workload? The rigor of the course? The teacher? I’m sure a few classes have already come to mind. You've got AP Physics 1 & 2, Advanced Honors Chemistry,...

What’s your Fenwick “Roman Empire”?

Alexandra Lefko ’24 November 30, 2023

Fenwick High School…a place where memories are made. Some good, some bad. Everyone has that story. The one you just can’t shake. The one that grows with every time you tell the tale, sprouting new...

When I grow up…

Landen Camacho ’26 November 30, 2023

“I want to be a superhero!” “I want to be Barbie!” “I want to be a fireman!” Looking back on your childhood, I bet that you heard these phrases from your friends and cousins. The innocence...

Freshman Fouls: The horror stories from the beginning of freshman year.

Freshman Fouls: The horror stories from the beginning of freshman year.

Landen Camacho October 3, 2023

As we settle back into the school year, most of us find ourselves falling into the old routine of walking the hallways with familiar faces here at Fenwick. That isn’t what the class of 2027 is experiencing...

Fenflation: How have costs changed over the years at Fenwick?

Alexander Aguirre October 3, 2023

​T-Shirts, burgers, pants, pizza, and drinks, we and our parents have all purchased one or two of these items sold at Fenwick, but how much did they cost years ago? If you have an interest in how expensive,...

A Day in the Life of Fenwick’s Mr. Sperandio

Alex Lefko May 10, 2023

It’s 6 am. An alarm somewhere is ringing, awakening the backbone of one Fenwick High School’s most essential and famous staff member, Jim Sperandio. Mr. Sperandio is not just the guy at the front desk;...

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