On July 21, the highly-acclaimed films Barbie and Oppenheimer hit the box offices, where both experienced immediate and explosive success. Greta Gerwig’s sparkling comedy and Christopher Nolan’s epic thriller came head to head as they met in the theaters. A sharp contrast exists between the two, as Barbie is a bubbly, empowering, feminist production, whereas Oppenheimer is a dark, ominous, complex drama. Both, however, capture significant moments in history, whether through the depiction of the story of a classic toy or the development of an earth-shattering atomic weapon. They center on the human condition and its vulnerability in the face of change. Both leave a lasting imprint on moviegoers.
Juniors Kaitlynn Magyla and Jenin Gabato shared how Barbie has most impacted them. Kaitlynn explained that the film helped her understand her mother more as it provided insight on the trials of growing up as a woman. Jenin shared that she felt validated by the movie as it exposed many of society’s flawed views of females. In addition, many moviegoers appreciated that through the costumes, cinematography, musical score, and fantastical set, a compelling moral message was delivered. Behind the glitter and the pink lay the exploration of the importance of recognizing self-worth as an individual.
Marta Kisielewska of the Class of 2025 said that Oppenheimer revealed to her the deep psychological impact involved with the formation of the Manhattan Project. The movie illustrated the remarkable feat in uniting man and science to create this terrible weapon. The characters faced constant ethical dilemmas in which they were forced to choose between human life and the protection of the United States. Its depiction of Oppenheimer’s tragic downward spiral during the McCarthy hearings emphasized the fragility of human nature when faced with massive responsibilities.
In a crafty move by the movie studios, Barbie and Oppenheimer were released on the same date. The all-star casts and famous topics combined were bound to draw the attention of intrigued crowds and attracted a wide range of moviegoers. Record setting attendance had fans experiencing an uplifting powerful message in one theater and a dark and somber moment in history in another. On their opening weekend alone, the films grossed $235.5 million. Each movie was a blockbuster in its own right, but the same release date created the media event of the year and the natural tendency to compare the two. People may have attended each movie just to test which one resonated more deeply with them after all of the hype each received. Critics have weighed in on this comparison, with many claiming Barbie should be reserved for after “dinner,” as a lighter “dessert.”
Ultimately, this double feature has evoked a multitude of responses from viewers. Barbie and Oppenheimer will forever be remembered as American classics, as both films speak to human nature, whether through fantasy or history. All in all, both have earned the title of “sublime!”